Tuesday, June 19, 2007

happy father's day

it's a father's day...

i dont know how should i say this, simply, cause i never had a chance to even see my father. never in my life..


Wednesday, May 23, 2007


ouch i am not in a good time. this month is the worst i ever experience. i did not settle any of my job but one, i was not paid for everything, i am penniless, and not to forget i still have about 8 days to go, before Jun come.

working as an employee is okay, just that i never have a freedom. not like when i do my full-time freelance job. doing freelance is just nice.. but yeah i have to struggle to find my job to earn cash. otherwise i'll be sitting doing nothing. but one thing about freelance, one job is enough to cover one month expenses.. isn't that good?

i am considering on my current job as an employee.. preparing myself with a better skill and good portfolio, then i'll quit my job, focusing on my hobby to be a full-time freelancer. market is world-wide, just have to be well enough in marketing. strategy is one thing that i must plan carefully, to make sure i will never regret and never want to turn back.

making a decision is quite hard isn't it?

Saturday, May 12, 2007

mother's day

well you know, mother's day, and we call it "hari ibu" in my language (malay). believe it or not, i have never celebrated the day for my beloved mom. love her i do, but never celebrate any for her, not even her birthday. am i bad? or am i just too bad to be her son?

i do have the feeling of wanting to celebrate one of these days for her, to show my love, and to prove that i actually love her as my only mother. but yeah, even i cant explain why i never celebrate one. perhaps, i should do something now. but, can anyone help me? would it be weird to my mom if this is my first time celebrating for her? will she be proud, happy, or just curious?


heard of payperpost? well if you are a blogger, now you can smile cause you have another way to earn online! unlike payperpost who require your blog to live at least 2 months with 20 post, Bloggerwave accepts everyone! so why waiting? take this chance and continue blogging! btw, i just got my first $1o approved :)

Submit PPP

long vacation and that is why i didnt update this site, huh fine, yeah actually been busy. oh btw i'm submitting this blog for payperpost.com, not sure if they can actually accept this very blog to take their opportunities.. let's just hope and wait and see.. payperpost, anyone?

Monday, January 15, 2007


hari nih, satu lagi ilmu baru aku pelajari, bagaimana melayari internet dari komputer tanpa melanggan streamyx, dengan hanya menggunakan telefon bimbit.. heh kelakar jugak sebab kaedah nih dah lama digunakan, cuma hari ini baru aku secara rasminya mendapat ilmu ini :P

tambahan lagi, i have unlimited free access for data transfer from my telephone line provider, cool so now i ca surf for free!

so, camana nak melayari internet dengan sebuah telefon bimbit dah sebuah computer?

that's so simple.. cuma pastikan kedua telefon dan computer mempunyai fungsi bluetooth.. on kan dari kedua2 device tu, kemudian setkan data comm. pada telefon bimbit. selepastu set kan modem dari pada computer, carian pada telefon bimbit melalui talian bluetooth yang di aktifkan tadi. then, create a new connection pada computer, dial guna nombor yang disediakan oleh telefon line provider masing2.. kalau tak tau, call diorang dan tanya no dial up tu.

heh, senang jer. ok pas nih bleh aku cancel internet connection kat umah nih... membazir je duit bayar 88 sebulan, kan?

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Monday, January 01, 2007

Slamat tahun baru Malaysia!

Oh well, now it's a brand new year guys, and guess what, malaysia didnt really celebrate the countdown, and know why? it's eid-ul Adha where people are going to Haj. just in a matter of respect i guess.

anyway, 2007 is a VISIT MALAYSIA year, so come and visit our country! lots of fascinating views and entertainments waiting to cheer and welcome you guys.

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